Profil Trainer

Selamat Datang Di Rumah Trainer Public Speaking

Terima kasih sudah berkunjung. Kehadiran Anda di sini menandakan bahwa Anda adalah orang-orang yang ingin meningkatkan KOMPETENSI dalam diri Anda. Terutama di bidang Life-SkillKomunikasi, Public Speaking, Hypnotic Selling, Leadership & Motivasi.
Perkenalkan, Saya Rahmadsyah. Trainer Public Speaking. Saya membantu orang-orang seperti Anda yang ingin tampil PERCAYA DIRI, Berbicara Sistematis dan Meyakinkan saat berbicara di depan umum (Public Speaking).

Ingin Mengundang Saya Menjadi Pembicara di Acara Kantor / Perusahaan Anda?

Hubungi sekarang 0815.1144.8147 atau email ke
Trainer Public Speaking

Training yang biasa saya sampaikan tema Soft-Skill;

  • Persuasive Public Speaking, <– Klik ( 2-3 Hari )
  • Effective Communication Skill, ( 1 – 2 Hari )
  • Private NLP Training <– Klik (1 hari)
  • Leadership (Managing People & Leader As Coach), ( 1 – 2 Hari )
  • Forgiveness Therapy  ( Seminar 2-3 Jam / 1 hari )
  • Hypnotic Selling Skill; 3 Langkah Membuat Pelanggan Mengatakan “Ya” dan Menjual Tanpa Merasa Dijual  ( 2 Hari )
  • Coaching and Counseling with NLP, ( 2 Hari )
  • Edu-Graphology For Teacher and Parents <– Klik (Mengenal Potensi dan Membentuk Karakter Positif Pada Anak / Siswa) ( 1 Hari )

Kursus Yang Saya Ikuti;

  • Workshop Coaching Essential
  • Workshop Training For Trainer
  • Worskhop Sertifikasi Personal Caoch
  • Workshop Sertifikasi Hypnotherapies
  • Workshop Sertifikasi Multiple Intelligences
  • Workshop Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Workshop Sertifikasi Hand Writing Analysist
  • Workshop Solution Focus Coaching & Clean Language
  • Workshop Sertifikasi Master Practitioner NLP (from NF-NLP Florida)
  • Workshop Certified Profesional Coach Program ICF ACSTH 88 Hours
  • Workshop Comprehensive Psychotherapy by PLP Fakultas Piskologi UIN Jakarta

Pernah Menjadi Pembicara di Perusahaan;

  1. Bank Indonesia (Tema ; Breaking Mental Block)
  2. PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Tema; Effective Communication Skill)
  3. PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Tema; Hypno-Communication & The Power Of Change )
  4. PT. BNI 46 (Tema; Pasti Bisa [motivasi])
  5. PT. Bank Mu’amalat  (Tema; Public Speaking  for Manager)
  6. PT. Bank BJB (Tema; Leadership Managing People, Hypno Selling, Effective Communication, Managerial Skill for Secretary)
  7. PT. Bank Mandiri  (Tema; Self Management, Happy At Work, The Power Of Change)
  8. PT. Bank Chinatrust (Tema;  Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  9. PT. Mahameru Indonesia (Tema; Effective Communication Skill)
  10. PT. Bintang Toedjoe (Tema; Effective Communication for Supervisor)
  11. PT. Hydrowater  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  12. PT. Indokordsa  (Tema; Self Transformation)
  13. PT. Prudential (Tema; Breaking Mental Block, Business Presentation & Public Speaking, Selling with NLP)
  14. PT. Track Astra Internasional  (Tema; Unlock Your Potentials)
  15. PT. Cipta Marga Nusantara Persada (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  16. PT. Persaels  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP & Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  17. PT. GOS Indonesia (Tema; Leadership Managing People)
  18. PT. Selnajaya Training (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  19. PT. Tunas Daihatsu   (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  20. PT. Panen Lestari Indonusa  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  21. PT. Rumah Sehat Keluarga  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  22. PT. Toyota Astra Motor  (Tema;  Grab Your Costumer Needs)
  23. PT. Kapal Api  (Tema; Selling with NLP)
  24. PT. Cahaya Art Digital  (Tema; Mengukir Jejak Di Alam Semesta)
  25. PT. TUV Rheiland  (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  26. PT. Panarub Industry (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  27. PT. Antara  (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  28. PT. Pranata Inti Media (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  29. PT. Panarub Dwikarya  (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  30. PT. Anugerah Bangsa Cahaya (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  31. PT. Suluh Prima Target (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  32. PT. Pupuk Holding Company ( Tema; Quantum EFT )
  33. PT. Summarecon (Tema; Positive Thinking For Productive Result)
  34. PT. Infomedia Tekomsel ( Tema; Hypno-Selling )
  35. PT. Outsuka Amerta Indah (Tema; Public Speaking Mastery)
  36. PT. Bina Agung Dhamar Buana (Tema; Public Speaking For Markerter)
  37. PT. Senayan Trikarya Sentosa (Tema; Leader As Coach)
  38. PT. Commonwealth Life (Tema; Forgiveness Therapy)
  39. YASMIN Learning Centre  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP )
  40. Yayasan Pelangi Indonesia (Tema; Hypno Teaching )
  41. Yayasan Ulul Albab Bekasi  (Tema; Unlock Your Potentials)
  42. Yayasan Bhakti Insani  (Tema; Unlock Your Potentials)
  43. Yayasan Lauser International  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  44. Yayasan INDED (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  45. Yayasan Relawan Perempuan Aceh (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  46. Yayasan Anak dan Buah Hati (Tema; Quantum EFT)
  47. Yayasan Rumah Parenting Bintaro  (Tema; Quantum EFT)
  48. World Vision Indonesia (Tema; Hypno Teaching)
  49. Worl Wild Fondation  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  50. Mabes Polri (Tema, Stress Management)
  51. Kementerian PU ( Tema; Awareness to Change)
  52. Irjen Pajak  (Tema; Public Speaking)
  53. Irjen Kemendikbud PLP (Tema; Public Speaking)
  54. Irjen Kemenkes ( Tema; Positive Thinking for Productive Result)
  55. Kementrian Koperasi & UKM  (Tema; Public Speaking)
  56. Kementrian Keuangan Ditjen Pajak & Bea Cukai (Tema; Public Speaking)
  57. Badan Pemriksa Obat & Makanan BPOM (Tema; Happiness At Work)
  58. BAPEDA Jawa Barat (Tema; Public Speaking)
  59. Lembaga Sandi Negara (Tema; Public Speaking)
  60. Flora and Founa Fondation  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
Sekolah dan Kampus
  1. Universitas Padjajaran  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  2. Universitas YARSI  (Tema; Hypno Teaching)
  3. Universitas ESA Unggul  (Tema; Effective Communication with NLP)
  4. Universitas Negeri Jakarta  (Tema; Teaching with NLP)
  5. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah  (Tema; Creative Thinking or Death)
  6. PDC Telkom Cirebon  (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  7. STEI TAZKIA  (Tema; Unlock Your Potentials)
  8. Institute Telkom Bandung  (Tema; Hypno Teaching)
  9. LP3I Cirebon  (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  10. LP3I Sukabumi (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  11. LP3I Cikarang (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  12. LP3I Bogor (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  13. LP3I Cilegon (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  14. LP3I Ciledug (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  15. LP3I Depok  (Tema; Service Excellent with NLP)
  16. LP3I Purwokerto  (Tema; Selling with Your Costumer Character)
  17. LP3I Kediri (Tema; Hypnotic Selling Skill, Team Building)
  18. LP3I Surabaya (Tema; Hypnotic Selling Skill)

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